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Activate backup task for Microsoft OneDrive in Cloud Application Backup

You can activate a backup task for Microsoft OneDrive as follows:

  1. In the CAB Management Portal, click Homepage in the sidebar menu.

    The list of backup tasks opens.

    • If you do not have any backup task added yet, click OneDrive.

      Add backup task

    • If you already have some backup tasks set up and configured, click Add Backup Task on the upper right, and then click Microsoft OneDrive.

      Add backup task

    The authentication dialog opens.

  2. In the authentication dialog:

    1. In the Backup Name box, enter a name for the backup task.

      This name is used to identify the backup task in reports and notifications. You can change it later.

    2. Select the preferred authorization type.

      Since Microsoft will soon deprecate the credentials-based authorization for their Microsoft 365 services, we do not recommend using it.

      If you use Microsoft 365 multi-factor authentication, you need to use OAuth-based authorization.

      CAB automatically assigns admin permissions to OneDrive sites when using Microsoft 365 admin account.

    3. In the OneDrive URL box, enter the URL address of the root OneDrive domain.

    4. Click Authenticate to go to the Microsoft 365 sign-in page, and complete authorization.

    Backup task authorization

    Once you complete authorization, you will be redirected to the backup task page again.

After you activate the backup task, continue with configuring backup task and managing site backups.