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Online Backup and Recovery Manager logs in Windows

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Get main logs

  1. Open Online Backup and Recovery Manager (OBRM), and sign in to your Cloud Backup account.

  2. Click Menu, and then click Display logs.

    This opens the folder with OBRM logs in File Explorer.

    App menu item to show logs

Get installation logs

OBRM installation logs are stored in the user temporary folder.

To open it, enter %temp% or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp in the Address bar of File Explorer.

The log file is usually named as Online_Backup_and_Recovery_Manager_DateAndTime.log (for example, Online_Backup_and_Recovery_Manager_20221002174647.log).

Each time you install OBRM, the system creates a new installation log file.

Switch logs to debug mode

To switch OBRM logs to the debug mode in Windows:

  1. Go to the folder where OBRM is installed (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Online Backup and Recovery Manager).

  2. In the OBRM folder, open the SStorage.exe.config file with a text editor.

    Open configuration file

  3. Replace <add key="LogLevel" value="INFO" /> with <add key="LogLevel" value="debug" />, save changes and close the file.

    <add key="LogLevel" value="debug" />
    <add key="MaxLogSizeInBytes" value="2097152" />
    <add key="LogFilesCount" value="1" />

    Edited configuration file

  4. Restart the OBRM service:

    1. Press Win+R to open the Run dialog.

    2. In the Open box, enter services.msc, and then click OK.

      Open Windows Services

      Windows Services open.

    3. Find and right-click Offsite Online Backup Service, and then click Restart (or click Stop, and then click Start).

      Windows services