›  Dashboard  ›  Manage  ›  Companies  ›  Delete company

Delete a company in the Dashboard

To delete a company:

  1. Sign in to your account in the Dashboard.

  2. Go to AccountsCompanies.

    Menu item

    The consolidated companies page opens.

  3. Find a company you want to delete.

  4. Click Actions (Actions icon) in the last column against the company record, and then click Cancel Company.

    Cancel company action

    The Cancel Company dialog opens.

  5. Enter your distributor or partner administrator credentials to confirm, and then click Cancel Company.

    Cancel company dialog

    If you do not want to delete the company, click Close (Close icon) or press Esc to close the dialog.

    The system:

    • removes any information about the company;

    • cancels all active backup accounts under the company permanently;

    • transfers all unassigned licenses to your distributor or partner company.