Prevent automatic deletion of backup jobs

The following information applies both to the primary and to the secondary appliances.

By default, a backup job can be deleted automatically:

  • under the retention settings, or

  • if the respective client is deleted or unregistered, and the Backup & Disaster Recovery appliance was configured to delete the orphaned jobs.

To prevent automatic deletion of a backup job in those cases, you can pin the job as follows:

  1. In the appliance Management Console, go to JobsHistory.

  2. Right-click a successfully completed job, and then click Pin Job.

    Pin job

    Also, you can select a job, and then click Pin Job on the toolbar.

  3. In the Pin Job dialog:

    1. In the Date Until Pinned combo box, set the date, by which the job will stay pinned.

    2. In the Comments box, enter a comment, and then click OK.

Pinned jobs are indicated by a checkmark in the Pinned column. You can sort and filter the jobs by this status.

To unpin a job, right-click the pinned job, and then click Unpin Job.

To view or edit the details of a pinned job, right-click the pinned job, and then click Pin Info.