›  Dashboard  ›  Configure  ›  Custom URL address

Custom URL address of the Dashboard

On this page

This is available for partners only.

Option 1

  1. Partner purchases SSL certificate.

    This may be either a single server certificate for dashboard.managedoffsitebackup.net or wildcard certificate for *.managedoffsitebackup.net.

    Recommended: SHA-2 and 2048 bit.

  2. Partner provides certificate in PFX format with its password to the Support.

  3. Our engineers provide the necessary configurations on our servers, and provide the partner with the IP address of the webpage.

  4. Partner creates A record in their DNS zone for this domain name.

Option 2

  1. Partner provides the following details for Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to the Support:

    Common Name
    Host name that will use the certificate (usually a fully-qualified domain name like dashboard.managedoffsitebackup.net)
    Legal name of your company or organization
    Organization Unit
    Departmental or division name for your group
    City where your company is located
    State where your company is located
    Country where your company is located (use the two-character code for your country)
  2. We send the CSR to the Partner.

  3. Partner purchases and generates SSL certificate (by using the provided CSR).

    This may be either a single server certificate for dashboard.managedoffsitebackup.net or wildcard certificate for *.mybackupsolution.com.

    Recommended: SHA-2 and 2048 bit.

  4. Partner downloads and sends the generated certificate (preferably in IIS format) to the Support.

  5. Our engineers provide the necessary configurations on our servers, and provide the partner with the IP address of the webpage.

  6. Partner creates A record in their DNS zone for this domain name.